Tamil Diaspora Alliance


New York, USA

+1 (617) 798 0518


Countries Represented in the Alliance

  • United States of America
  • Canada
  • United Kingdom
  • Switzerland
  • France
  • Norway
  • Australia
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • India
  • Netherlands
  • Malaysia
  • Indonesia

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Our Global Reach

Our Current Focus

Tamil Diaspora Alliance

“The unity of today will breed the innovation of tomorrow.”
+1 (617) 798 0518
  • Connecting Tamil Diaspora organizations, businesses, individuals and families, in one strong international network to increase communication, resource distribution, and effectiveness in executing projects.
  • Offering the next generation of the Tamil Diaspora an opportunity to network, train, and take on future leadership.
  • Empowering farmers financially through a cooperative (co-op) setup via zero-interest loans, to protect the agriculture sector and prevent future resettlement.
  • Connecting students to the global classroom with technology and increasing access to IT/English courses so that they can compete on the world stage.
  • Increasing our presence in international media.
  • Fostering the collective identity that we are one strong Tamil nation, in an effort to rebuild, revitalize, and propel future generations to reach great heights across industries worldwide.

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