Tamil Diaspora Alliance has created a five-year plan across multiple sectors, in coordination with partnering teams in the homeland, to advance our mission. All of the projects listed are part of a larger long-term plan, with the interests and will of the beneficiaries, and feasibility of implementation in the homeland at the forefront of decision-making. Homeland projects are chosen based on case studies conducted on the ground, directly involving the people who will benefit at the grassroots level. One of the guiding principles of Tamil Diaspora Alliance is “Grassroots Level & Up”, which lies at the core of all of our missions. We look to empower those that want to make a difference in their societies and foster this collective will and identity that we are one people.

Funds will not be disbursed to any individual but rather only to approved organizations that abide by our policies and procedures that detail our requirements on accountability and transparency. Funding organizations who will be responsible for the maintenance of these grants will ensure that the capital stays within the organization and overseen by its administrative body. In this method, money is not lost in the system and can be properly disbursed to the next set of beneficiaries in the following rounds of fund disbursement.

The Alliance will also issue monthly newsletters detailing how funds have been used and update the donors on the progress of these projects. Regular audits across disciplines both on the ground and in the diaspora will ensure that each and every penny is accounted for. Furthermore, every donation made to the Alliance will be acknowledged with an email from the team and a proof of receipt.

Tamil Diaspora Alliance Inc. is currently in the process of applying for 501(c)(3) tax exempt status in the United States of America. The Alliance was officially incorporated in the State of New York on April 28th, 2021, so any donations made after that date will be eligible to be reclaimed in your annual taxes retroactively for a period of 24 months. We anticipate that the 501(c)(3) status will be approved by the start of 2022. For donors from other countries, please reach out to us at tamildiasporaalliance@gmail.com to get the contact information of partnering organizations that already have this tax-exempt status in your respective countries.

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Our Current Focus

Tamil Diaspora Alliance

“The unity of today will breed the innovation of tomorrow.”
+1 (617) 798 0518
  • Connecting Tamil Diaspora organizations, businesses, individuals and families, in one strong international network to increase communication, resource distribution, and effectiveness in executing projects.
  • Offering the next generation of the Tamil Diaspora an opportunity to network, train, and take on future leadership.
  • Empowering farmers financially through a cooperative (co-op) setup via zero-interest loans, to protect the agriculture sector and prevent future resettlement.
  • Connecting students to the global classroom with technology and increasing access to IT/English courses so that they can compete on the world stage.
  • Increasing our presence in international media.
  • Fostering the collective identity that we are one strong Tamil nation, in an effort to rebuild, revitalize, and propel future generations to reach great heights across industries worldwide.

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